Aparna presents Clean your tongue to avoid bad breath posted at Beauty and Personal Grooming, saying, "The tongue is a haven for bacteria to breed, multiply and attach to teeth and gums. Tongue cleaning is just as important as hand washing in prevention of common colds, flus and other serious health ailments. Bacteria in the mouth often leads to gingivitis and bad breath (halitosis)."
Madeleine Begun Kane presents Does Your Guilt Spring Eternal? posted at Mad Kane's Humor Blog.
Natalie Thomas presents The First-Time Home Buyer Guide: 100 Must-Read Blog Posts posted at Construction Management Degrees, saying, "The listed blog posts in the article offer great tips on every aspect of homeownership. They cover every step of the way, from deciding whether or not buying is a wise idea to settling in with decorations and repairs."
sugspc presents The 5 Second Rule- How dirty are your floors? posted at Mixed Nuts Mommy.
Harold Gelien presents How Many People Go To College Every Year? | How To E-D-U posted at How To E-D-U, saying, "Making green changes to your home can save you money over time. When you green your home, you are creating a home that uses fewer resources, saving you money."
BWL presents 9 money-saving uses for vinegar posted at Christian Personal Finance, saying, "If you have never tried cleaning your coffee pot with vinegar, it really is pretty easy... These are the simple steps..."
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of cleaning tips galore using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
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cleaning tips galore, blog carnival.