Homemade Play Dough Recipe – Fun for All

Play Dough (Salt Dough, Playdough, or Salt and Flour Dough) is a fun kid’s toy that is easy to inexpensively make at home.  It is also useful in daily cleaning chores.  Let’s learn how to make a great home made playdough with this easy to follow recipe.  The following ingredients list are a ratio so you can double or triple the recipe to make more.


  • 2 cups of flour
  • 2 cups lukewarm water
  • 1 cup of salt
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 1 Tablespoon of cream of tartar (optional, but recommended as it makes it more plyable)
  • Food Coloring (optional)
  • Essential Oils (optional)

Baking Instructions:
  • Mix the flour, water, salt, vegetable oil and optional cream of tartar into a large pot.
  • Stir mixture on low heat until it is the consistency of mashed potatoes.
  • Keep stirring until you have a giant ball of play dough.
  • If the dough is sticky, keep stirring over low heat.
  • Let cool.

Making Colors and Scents:

  • Proportion the dough into several bowels, one for each color/scent combination you wish to make.
  • Add a few drops of food coloring and/or essential oils.  It doesn’t take many.
  • Start to knead the coloring and/or oil into the dough.  NOTE: Be sure to wear rubber gloves unless you want blue hands!
  • Add more color and oil as necessary.
  • Play and have fun.

The dough should last a few months without any issues.  After a while the dough can start to dry out, just knead a few drops of water into the dough to bring it back to life.  Be sure to store it in an air tight container for a long shelf life.  Have fun.
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