Laundry Basics To Save You Time

Laundry is one of the biggest cleaning jobs we do around our house. It used to be a herculean effort until we got a few basics down. The kids and I are always getting stains on our cloths. My wife thinks I taught the kids how to eat. To help combat this we have starting using using two products. The first is Spray N' Wash Stain Stick. The best thing about the Stain Stick is that you can pre-treat your stains as you take off your cloths and then just throw them into the laundry basket. We keep a stick in each of our bedrooms and pre-treat any stains we find. I have had better success when I treat both the outside and inside of the garment. The second product is Tide to Go. My wife keeps one in her purse and we keep one in the car for me. Tide to Go gets most stains out and when we are on the go it is a real cloths saver.

We have also started using a triple basket hamper. This saves us lots of time each week. As we get undressed each day we do our pre-treating if necessary then place the clothing into the proper bin, light, mixed or dark. When it is time to do the laundry all we have to do is wheel the hamper to the washing machine and start a load with the proper setting for light, mixed or dark cloths. After each load we are sure to fold the cloths immediately. Before we used to let the cloths sit for too long, making a bigger ironing job. If you fold or hang your cloths quickly after the drier goes off, you will find that your ironing will diminish.

If you start pre-treating and sorting your cloths as you take them off and always fold them when the dryer is done, you will easily save 25% of your time.
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