Closet Cleaning Tips

It is amazing how much space you can gain by properly organizing your closets. Here are a few tips that really helped me out. Number one, use the back of the door for storage. I bought a shoe rack from Target. It holds over 20 pairs of shoes against the door and cost under $20. Number two, add storage containers. I put all of the shorter hanging clothes on the same side and added a two-drawer plastic shelf below them. It's great for all my small items, such as my dress socks. Step three, add another shelf if you have room. I added a wooden shelf that I bought as a kit from my local hardware store. It is too high for my wife to reach, but I use it only for seasonal items. Step four, and probably the most important, get rid of clothes that you will never again wear. Just be honest with yourself, are you really going to wear the Rudolf sweater out in public?
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