Weekly Web Roundup 9

I have been procrastinating all week long. I don't know if it is because I have been so busy at work or if it is the sleep deprivation but I have a lot of cleaning to catch up on this weekend. Here are some tips I found around the web this week to help get into the cleaning mood:

6 ways to beat procrastination now - don’t wait! - Need these.....What will my built in reward be?

Tips for a Spotless Kitchen (Videos) - Will watching someone else clean spark your motivation?

Hey, it worked! - Pyewacket likes How Clean Is Your House? too! I think it is a great show, and have learned many tips by watching.

Chester's Clean House Retro: We had ants in the kitchen last week. I used the apple core tip from our post How To Get Rid Of Ants For Good. I cut up an apple and placed the small pieces along there trail. No ants this week!
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