Keep Your Wooden Cutting Board!

I have always preferred wooden cutting boards as opposed to plastic. Something about them just seemed so homey. I had heard that plastic board were safe because they’re dishwasher safe. But, still, I stuck with my wooden board and was just extra careful in my cleaning and use of it. Now, it’s come to light that wooden boards may be superior to plastic in the anti-bacteria department. Wood, if properly maintained, can be self healing. Smaller scratches can close up on their own. So, now I get to feel clever for standing by my wooden board. Wooden cutting boards should never be left soaking in water, and you should avoid full immersion into water if at all possible. Only use mild detergent and allow it to dry before putting it away. In addition to washing it, I like to disinfect it using undiluted white vinegar. I keep a spray bottle of it in the kitchen for lots of reasons. The acetic acid in the vinegar will kill salmonella, E coli and staph. If your cutting board starts to get a little smelling from chopping garlic or onions, just slice a lemon in half and drag it across the surface. Wooden cutting surfaces also need to be oiled once in a while to keep them from drying out or cracking. Only use food grade mineral oil. Do not use olive or vegetable oil. They will turn your board rancid. Rub a generous quantity of oil over the board and let it sit for an hour or so. Wipe any excess oil off with a clean cloth and wash it as usual. I oil my board every couple of months or whenever it’s looking dry. You can also oil wooden spoons in the same manner to prolong their life.
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