I have previously mentioned how my wife and I live in an old farm house. We love it. We love the seclusion that the small woods behind the house provides us. We love seeing the deer and wildlife that abounds around it. We even thought that the raccoons were cute...at first. Raccoons and possum are excellent scavengers. Once they know that food or shelter is available, they will stop at nothing to get it. (I have a humorous story about a possum, a mudroom, and me, but I'll save that one for later time!) Once they removed the screens that kept them from my chimney, it was time to do something about them. The easiest way of getting rid of these creatures is to let their natural instinct work for you. Sprinkle Shake-Away large animal in all of the areas that you want them to leave. Shake-Away is available in most nurseries and home care stores. Repeat every few days. Shake-Away's main active ingredient is urine scents for larger predators. That's right you are marking your territory! The raccoons and possum will think that their natural enemy has moved in on their territory and drank a lot of coffee. You may still see raccoons and possum on occasion, but after a few treatments, they will make their home somewhere else.