Cleaning Tips Galore - First Edition

Welcome to the first edition of cleaning tips galore.

Madeleine Begun Kane presents Dear Press: Clean Up Your Own Damn Mess! posted at Mad Kane's Humor Blog, saying, "Spring cleaning humor."


Aparna presents Beware of dust mites on your pillows posted at Beauty and Personal Grooming, saying, "Dust that gets accumulated in our houses is a host to millions of germs and microorganisms. Dusting and cleaning the house in itself is a cumbersome task, what with dust settling on sofas and beds, carpets, curtains and clothes. We all bother so much about insects, mosquitoes, houseflies and do our best to get rid of them. But we often forget about the tiny, almost invisible creatures called dust mites, which are present and booming in millions in the cozy comforts of our homes."


Samantha Marks presents Gutter Cleaning How-To Guide | Backyards And posted at

Fred Lee presents Hand Washing: A Great First Defense posted at Parenting Squad.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of Cleaning Tips Galore using our carnival submission form.  Past posts and future hosts can be found on our
blog carnival index page

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