How to Save Your Wild Bird Seed for the Birds!

Today, as I walked to my car I noticed something very strange on the hood. After careful inspection I realized that it was a block of bird suet, a compressed block of bird seed. Obviously, neither my wife nor I put it there so someone had to have had their bird feeder attacked.

When Squirrels Eat Your Nutts

This reminded me of my father's constant battle with squirrels and other creatures to save his bird food. One of my favorites was when we covered the pole that held the bird feeder with grease. It was hilarious watching the squirrels after that. They never gave up! Though the grease did work for a while, there are better ways to protect the food. The best thing to do is to start with a feeder that has been designed to dissuade squirrels from the beginning.

Squirrel Proof Your Bird Seed

DunCraft bird feeders are a great example of this. They are one of many companies that produce pest-resistant feeders. Next, setup your feeder on a free-standing pole at least 10 feet away from any trees. Now fill with your favorite wild bird seed and enjoy!  I got my dad one of these for father's day last year.  The kids and I love to watch the Squirrels try to eat that bird food to this day.  They are still trying.
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