Tips For a Safe and Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween! I love going trick or treating with my kids each year. I am amazed at how much their attitude toward Halloween changes each year. This is the first year that my daughter is truly excited about it. Here are some of my tips to help you have a safe and happy Halloween:
  • Turn on all your outside lights - This will help everyone see in the dark and deter any mischievous souls from tricking your house.
  • Sit outside to pass out the candy - Your presence outside will also help curb the mischievous and help the un-accompanied children behave. A few years ago all of my mums were destroyed by kids running between the houses. They think twice about it when someone is outside.
  • Place glow sticks or reflectors on your children - It can be very hard to a small child in a dark costume and the excitement of the night can cause cotton ears.
  • Dress for the weather - When the sun goes down it can get pretty chilly so make sure to bring a jacket and gloves for the kids.
  • Check the candy - If it doesn't look right, throw it away. It's always better to be safe then sorry.
  • Have a good time!
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