Are we destroying our environment and poisoning our families by cleaning our houses?

Most of the cleaning products on the market today contain toxic chemicals. It is estimated that the average U.S. house has over 60 toxic chemicals in it. Over 3 million people are poisoned by household cleaning products each year in the U.S.; the majority are children under 6. The average American home's air also has chemical levels 70 times greater than outdoor air. Have you thought about what this might do to your heath, and the heath of your family?

In addition to polluting our homes, what is the manufacture of these chemicals doing to our environment? How are these products made? What kind of waste is produced in their manufacture and use? All of these questions are hard to answer, and large corporations don't want us to know.

At Chester's Clean House we have been posting tips to help you make your own household cleaners that are safer for the environment, get the job done as well as the toxic versions, and will save you time and money. We want to help the environment and spread the word of the wonders of vinegar, baking soda, and borax and we need your help. Please use the email icon ( ) and pass this along to somebody you care about, and we can start to make a change. Here is a list of our posts from this week and earlier that can get you started on making your own homemade cleaners and making a change:

Hints on Chester's Clean House are provided "as is" and Chester's Clean House shall have no liability for any damages (whether direct, indirect, consequential or otherwise) arising from the use, attempted use or application of any of the hints described in this blog.

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