Tips To Keep Your Kids Safe From Household Chemicals

In our post How Many Dangerous Chemicals Do You Have In Your House, we talked about the high number of poisonings that happen with household cleaning products to children under 6.
Here are some tips you can use around your house to keep your kids safe:
  • Store household cleaning products in a high cabinet out of reach of small children.
  • Don't store cleaning products under your sink. Dish washing detergent is the number one cause of poisonings.
  • Never use old food containers to store cleaning chemicals.
  • Don't leave your cleaning products unattended with small children around. Children love to imitate their parents, and we don't want them sparing something into their eyes or mouth by accident.
  • Don't spray bug killer on your floors or base boards.
  • Never leave roach or rat poison on the ground, even borax.
  • Lock up dangerous chemicals in the garage where children are less likely to play.
  • Label all of you homemade cleaners.
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